Thursday, 16 June 2011

Total Lunar Eclipse


Got up at 2.30am this morning to view and image the Total Lunar Eclipse. Met up with some other IceInSpace members, and was very glad for the company as we had decided to image from New Farm overlooking the Storey Bridge and city. That part of town, that time of night, alone, with expensive camera gear, not good. Safety in numbers :D

I hadn't really planned what or how I was going to shoot it. And it showed. Totally butchered what I had intended to be a timelapse attempt. Wasn't overly happy with any of the results, but used it as a learning exercise for the next one on 10 December this year.

Above is a montage as the Moon went from near full to totality. Click the image for a larger view and you can see the brightness and colours change as the Moon goes from full to totality.

The below red coloured Moon was taken around 5.30am. The colour is as close to "true" as I could get. Doesn't quite look that red to the naked eye, but the camera picks up the colour better. The Moon is fully in the shadow of the Earth here, and the red is sunlight refracted by Earth's atmosphere.

16/6/11 Eclipse Moon

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Back from Wordpress :(

I was going to transfer this photoblog to my own server at and use Wordpress to do it, but the spammers seem to have found the site and have bombarding it with their garbage. It doesn't make it to the page itself, it has to be moderated/approved by me before publishing, but I've received 50 or so spam posts in the last day and I'm not going to do that much moderating.

So as I had it set up previously, anyone going to the above link will get redirected here anyway. Blogspot has a much better anti-spam detection before I even see it.