Sunday, 29 April 2012

Making pikelets

Just some photos of Hayden helping Mummy make some pikelets this afternoon.

How exciting:

Making pikelets 2

Enjoying the spoils:

Making pikelets 5

Ok, so that one didn't turn out that well:

Making pikelets 7
Making pikelets 6
Making pikelets 1
Making pikelets 3
Making pikelets 4

Friday, 27 April 2012

Gabriela Mistral Nebula

NGC3324, commonly referred to as the Gabriela Mistral Nebula, is the roundish nebula bottom centre here. It's located in the constellation Carina, and the nebulosity you can see on the left hand side is the corner of the massive Eta Carinae Nebula that you may have seen before. NGC3324 Gabriela Mistrel Nebula

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Cat's Paw Nebula

I just love this nebula. Looks so much like its namesake. NGC6334 Cat's Paw Nebula