Thursday 21 October 2010

1 city, 1 Moon, 4 planets

Around 12 August there was a rare conjunction with the Moon and 4 planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. I had checked the weather, all was supposed to be clear, planned (in my head) where I'd be shooting from here in Brisbane and the look I was after. Then reality kicked in...

While the night was clear, the wind was absolutely howling. I had to weigh my tripod down to stop it all blowing over. It was freezing cold and I hadn't packed a jumper. The light pollution was worse than I anticipated. The location I had was not quite giving me the relationship between the conjunction and city that I had in my head. And at the scale of image here, not sure the actual planets are that visible

1 City, 1 Moon, 4 Planets

Crescent Moon with Mercury just below right, bright Venus up a little higher with Mars just above and Saturn just below.

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