Saturday, 28 May 2011

NGC6188 - an emission nebula in the constellation Ara

Clear night last night, so took the opportunity to capture this emission nebula in the constellation Ara.



  1. Great image Troy - do you get these from your place mate? I would've thought the LP would be unbearable anywhere around here.

  2. Thanks mate. Yes, this was shot from home (Auchenflower). I used narrowband filters (Ha and OIII) which do cut down the light pollution a lot. There's no RGB in this shot. Ha is mapped to the Red channel, and Blue and Green is OIII, so it's false colour, although it's not too far off since Ha is in the red part of the spectrum, and OIII is somewhere between blue and green.

    If I had more time, I was going to use the HaOIIIOIII for the nebulosity, and get some RGB but only for the stars. Got some PS actions that can remove the stars to a certain extent.

  3. Cool mate, thanks for the info. As you've probably guessed I'm new to the whole game, got alot of general astro learning to do before I look into imaging.. though I can't wait ;) Cheers.

  4. hey troy, u showed me this pic yday fr yr phone, here it is in its fuller glory :) awesome stuff!
    if you do put up your lunar eclipse photos, pls let me know i will send the link to yr photoblog to my family in singapore :) - jen
